best gym in accra,gym near me,gyms in accra,fitness gym center,REGULAR EXERCISE CAN HELP BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM

Our ultimate creator is so crafty and knowledgeable that he carefully knitted the human immune system to fight and defeat certain disease-causing microorganisms and infections. This outstanding activity is sometimes hampered by germs that get their way to infect our bodies and make us sick.

Just as the immune system activity can be hampered, so can it be boosted. The whole idea of being able to boost your immune system is captivating, but how to go about it is quite evasive for various reasons.

According to Google’s English Dictionary, a system is a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole. For this complex whole to operate well, it needs stability and synchronisation. This is where a balanced and improved diet coupled with regular exercising comes to play.

First off, let’s look at how a regular exercise regime can help boost your immune system in the most intriguing ways.

How regular exercising boosts the immune system

  • Increased circulation of immune cells

Modest to energetic (acute) exercising that lasts less than 1 hour such as walking, a jog or a run has been found in a 2019 scientific review of the Journal of Sport and Health Science to quicken the immune cells response.

DrPH David Nieman, a professor in the department of biology at the Appalachian State University, director of the state university’s Human Performance Laboratory and the author of the review explains that “normally, people have a meagre number of immune cells moving around their bodies. Those cells are known to situate in various parts of the body where viruses, bacteria and the like that cause diseases are killed (e.g., The lymphoid tissues and the spleen).”

When you exercise, your muscles contract and this increases blood flow, lymph flow and the circulation of the immune cells. This makes a large number of cells roam faster in the body. In specifics, exercising helps your body to employ top-notch specialized immune cells (T cells), locate pathogens like viruses and eliminate them.

David’s review examined and noted that participants who walked briskly for 45 minutes had their immune cells moving around their bodies for a max of 3 hours after the walk. He explained that the instant response experienced will finally wipe out unless you exercise regularly.

Dr David Nieman alluded to the fact that if you repeat the 45-minute exercise the next day, the immune cells circulation takes place all over again. All this adds up as time progresses.

  • Decreases inflammation in the body

A 2004 research in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society creates a link between reduced levels of inflammatory markers to people who exercise regularly and have developed fitness levels. Inflammation (swelling) occurs when your body tries to naturally heal itself by fighting against things that threaten it like injuries, infections and toxins. When something harms your cells, your body emits chemicals that trigger a reaction from your immune system.

This becomes harmful when the reaction keeps up for a sometime and holds your body in a continuous state of alert.

Here, Dr David Nieman explains again that it becomes a feat for the immune cells to fight off infections in the body when there’s inflammation. He states that as the immune cells attempt to function in the presence of inflammation, the whole immune system is put in a state of chronic inflammation too.

To reduce your chances of your body being inflamed, boost your exercises to boost your immune system.

As you exercise regularly, you will need certain foods that will help your body keep up the energy and strengthen you. You cannot do away with food when you plan on exercising regularly and in the right way. Diet is important, hence our next section.

Boost your immune system with these foods

  • Ginger

Ginger is one of the most famous spices across the globe. People use it in various meals, smoothies, snacks, desserts and even in teas. Studies have shown that ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative qualities and is very healthy for the body.

  • Garlic

Garlic is also a very common home ingredient for foods and for the prevention of colds. It has the ability of lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Garlic also reduces your risk of cancer and definitely increases your chances of a strengthened immune system.

  • Almonds

Almonds are rich in Vitamin E, manganese, magnesium and fiber. It can be added to smoothies, breakfasts or simply taken as a wholesome snack.

  • Green tea

Unlike black tea and coffee, green tea contains a very small amount of caffeine and so you can enjoy it more if you do not like a lot of caffeine. It contains flavonoids which can decrease your risk of catching a cold and also strengthen your immune system.

  • Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges and kiwis are packed with vitamin C. this is one of the commonest vitamins a lot of people resort to when they sense a cold or sore throat developing. This class of vitamin obtained in citrus fruits can cut the period of a common cold and help your immune system function better.

  • Red bell pepper

Are you tired of taking citrus fruits but still desire the more vitamin C and some hotness? Your answer to this is simple red bell peppers. Just like the oranges and fruits, these peppers are filled with vitamin C.

According to a research done on the effects of different cooking methods on the antioxidant properties of red pepper, it is better to stir-fry or roast red bell peppers instead of steaming or boiling them.

The former methods help preserve the nutrients of the peppers better.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is a yellow spice that is used in a lot of homes. It is also in some other food spices like curry and some medicines. The presence and qualities of curcumin in turmeric can improve your immune system.

A 2017 study on the effects of curcumin on human health shows it has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Spinach

Spinach contains a lot of vital nutrients and antioxidants like vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids and vitamin E which supports the immune system.

A systematic review of the effects of flavonoids on upper respiratory tract infections and immune function establishes that flavonoids can aid in preventing common cold in people.

  • Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are power packed with a type of antioxidant (beta carotene) which gives your skin the orange tone of the potatoes.

Filled with vitamin A, beta carotene helps your skin retain its luster and health and protects it from being damaged by the ultraviolet rays.

In addition to these healthy foods, try as much as possible to do these too:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap under running water
  • Practice good body and oral hygiene
  • Reduce stressful activities
  • Do away with smoking
  • Drink responsibly or avoid it
  • Get enough good sleep

We are definitely not in normal times and so exercising regularly, eating the right immune boosting foods and practicing a healthy lifestyle will help you overcome the new devil: COVID-19. Inasmuch as you are doing these, remember to practice social distancing and wear your nose mask or face shields all the time. Reducing your chances of getting infected is the ultimate.

Undoubtedly, exercising makes you feel energy-packed, healthier and happy. So, do not hesitate on being part of our dance and aerobics classes or going for that needed walk. You will certainly feel stronger and healthier.


Medline Plus, Exercise and immunity

Kelly Burch, Exercise can help your immune system fight off infections, Insider, Apr 18, 2020

Harvard Health Publishing, How to boost your immune system, April 6, 2020

Mallory Creveling, Does Exercise Boost Immunity? What to Know About Working Out Right Now, According to Experts, Health, January 26, 2021

David C Nieman, Laurel M Wentz, The compelling link between physical activity and the body’s defense system, Journal of Sport and Science, May 2019

Lisa H Colbert et al, Physical Activity, Exercise, and Inflammatory Markers in Older Adults: Findings from The Health, Aging and Body Composition Study, Journal of American Geriatrics Society, August 2004

Adrienne Santos-Longhurst, Understanding and Managing Chronic Inflammation, Healthline, July 27, 2018

Lana Burgess, The best foods for boosting your immune system, Medical News Today, July 10, 2018

In Guk Hwang et al, Effects of Different Cooking Methods on the Antioxidant Properties of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition (KFN),

Susan J. Hewlings and Douglas S. Kalman, Curcumin: A Review of Its’ Effects on Human Health,

Vaughan S Somerville, Andrea J Braakhuis, and Will G Hopkins, Effect of Flavonoids on Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and Immune Function: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis1,2

Julia Calderone,