Tips for creating a New Year’s fitness plan that works

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It’s that time again when you have to set resolutions for the New Year.


Of course, one aspect you shouldn’t ignore in your resolutions is your health.


No matter your other goals, you need to be alive and well before you can execute them.


So make sure to prioritize your health in the coming year and be more deliberate about your lifestyle.


The first step to being fit is to have a fitness plan.


A fitness plan means you have a target in sight, which helps you redirect your steps.


You need to be clear on what you want to achieve by the end of the new year when it comes to your fitness.


People often get frustrated with New Year resolutions because they failed to achieve them in the previous years.


You might have tried time and time again but to no avail.


Well, this time, things will be different. But, if you follow our carefully researched tips on creating an effective New Year plan, you stand a higher chance of success.


Here are our tips for creating a New Year’s fitness plan that works.


Have a comprehensive plan


This sounds straightforward, but it is not. Usually, most people plan but don’t make it comprehensive enough.


For instance, stating you want to lose 10kg by the first quarter of the year isn’t adequate. Even going on to state you’ll do cardiovascular exercises isn’t enough.


A good plan is broken down to its simplest form, which involves daily steps you can take to reach your yearly goals.


However, the overarching factor you should consider when drawing your fitness plan for the year is to consider how realistic it is.


Conducting a feasibility test on your plan is essential as it helps you scale down on what you’ll need to do to achieve your goals.

You need first look back at what you have achieved in previous years and then juxtapose that with the amount of workload and free time you’ll have in the upcoming year.


Putting all these into consideration helps you understand what is achievable and not.


Failure to do this will lead to you mostly giving up during the year because your goals will start to scare you, and you’ll resort to procrastination or giving up entirely.


So there is no need to target losing 20kg next year when you’ve been losing an average of 3kg in the previous years.


Once you set realistic goals, the next step is to break down the goals into smaller challenges.


With this, you need to be as specific as possible and state what you have to do each day to help you reach your fitness goal at the end of the year.


You can also include deadlines to track progress made so far during the year.


Using quarterly deadlines is advisable as it gives enough time for you to start seeing changes in your physical state or lifestyle.


If you’re relatively new to the fitness space, make sure to plan with an expert to choose exercises that suit your needs.


Consistency keeps you going


The only way you can go through the entire year and achieve your fitness goals is consistency.


Which makes it tougher because you can only be consistent if you choose to be consistent.


Skipping the gym for one week and going five times the next week isn’t consistent.


Consistency is setting out to work out three times a week and doing precisely that.


Of course, there may be impromptu circumstances that may prevent you from exercising at your allotted time.


But that isn’t enough reason not to skip your routine. The moment your break your routine, you become more susceptible to procrastination.


Even if you’re busy or have another engagement, try to do a little workout. It doesn’t have to be long and intense, like on days when you’re free, but doing something little gives you the edge psychologically.


One way to remain consistent is carefully choosing exercises you enjoy. As humans, we tend to look forward to fun events.


So in as much as you want to focus on your fitness, remember not to make it boring. Instead, challenge yourself and make your fitness calendar more fun using innovative methods for next year.


Spice up your exercises by trying new things such as hiking, yoga, dance classes, swimming, etc.


You have to think outside the box and partake in any fun and physical activity.


Incorporating these fun activities into your fitness plan will make it more exciting, leaving you anticipating your workout sessions instead of dreading them.


Another way to remain consistent is by rewarding yourself.


A year is pretty long, with 365 days, especially with each day presenting its challenges.


However, the same way you should break down your goals and give deadlines, it’s the same way you should reward yourself if you meet targets for the given deadlines.


No matter how small your achievement is, always celebrate it and reward yourself.


The reward could range from a device you wanted, a dinner, a snack, or anything you desired.


Research shows rewarding yourself makes you feel fulfilled and even motivates you to reach the next milestone so you can celebrate once more.


The key to being consistent is breaking everything down into smaller facets so that you can tackle them one step at a time.


Strive for accountability


Often, people love to embark on their fitness journey alone because it is a subject of personal discourse.


However, studies have shown that carrying someone along the way makes it easier to reach your goals.


The moment you introduce another person, it is no longer about just you. So even on days when you don’t feel like exercising, you know you have another person to explain to.


Adding an extra layer of accountability is crucial because it keeps you on your toes.

In choosing an accountability partner, you want to choose someone who understands where you’re going in terms of your fitness journey. Ideally, someone who is also embarking on a similar fitness journey will be preferable so that you can work out together.


You want to choose someone you respect and wouldn’t want to disappoint, making canceling exercises even harder.


You can even explore the possibility of having a healthy competition among a group of friends who share similar fitness goals.


Aside from having an accountability partner, you can also adopt a habit of noting down your goals and achievements.


Join a gym


Along the lines of accountability, paying for a gym membership is one of the best ways to be accountable for your workout.


Research has shown that people are very motivated by money, and so when you spend on a membership, you go the extra mile to get value on that investment.


It wouldn’t make financial sense to invest hundreds of Ghana cedis in a gym membership and sit at home.


So the decision to join a gym in itself is a motivating factor.


Moreover, once you sign up for a gym, you get access to top-notch equipment that can help you reach your goals even faster.


More importantly, you get to meet professional fitness experts who can work with you consistently on reaching your goals.


These experts can even suggest ways to reach your goals and show you what type of exercises to do.


Once you join the gym and have an expert attend to you, you no longer have the headache of creating your exercise routine.


The experts take care of that, and you’re assured that you will be doing the exercises in the right way under their guidance.


The gym also gives you access to a community of like-minded people who can inspire you.


Fitness One Gym provides all the benefits mentioned above and operates 24/7, so you can book our services for next year.


Remember you are what you eat


A crucial part of your fitness plan is the food you eat. Choosing to work harder physically is one step, but you don’t want to cancel that by eating unhealthy meals throughout the year.


It is important to keep in mind what you choose to eat daily, affecting your New Year fitness goals.


Make sure not to skip a healthy and balanced breakfast. Eat at regular intervals, and don’t starve yourself.


Make fruits and vegetables a common feature in your meals as they boost your immune system and make you healthier.


Working out means your muscles will have to be in good shape, so eat many foods with fiber, such as bread, oats, nuts, and beans.


Reduce your alcohol consumption and drink a lot more water.


Eating healthy goes beyond your goals for the year as it helps you live longer and avoid diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, and high blood pressure.






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Teixeira, Pedro J et al. “Exercise, physical activity, and self-determination theory: a systematic review.” The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity vol. 9 78. 22 Jun. 2012, doi:10.1186/1479-5868-9-78


Chhabria, Karishma et al. “The Assessment of Supportive Accountability in Adults Seeking Obesity Treatment: Psychometric Validation Study.” Journal of medical Internet research vol. 22,7 e17967. 28 Jul. 2020, doi:10.2196/17967