The Digital Fitness Revolution: Harnessing Technology for a Healthier Life

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More and more people are turning to technology to improve their health. Technology can support our physical well-being in many ways, from tracking fitness goals to using health apps; however, the key is to remember that technology is not a substitute for a healthy diet. Many of these apps encourage users to become more active. There are also many simple ways to incorporate technology into your daily life for a healthier and happier you.

Over the last couple of years, there has been a significant awareness of maintaining an active lifestyle which has given rise to the use of technology to improve our fitness. As a result, more digital fitness tools and products have been invented, produced, and sold to individuals. These tools help fitness professionals and enthusiasts maintain and track their health and fitness journey. In this article, we will discuss the significant role that technology can play in encouraging a healthier lifestyle. What are the digital fitness tools that can help you track your health more conveniently and be much more fun?


Digital Fitness

Digital fitness is digital software, applications, and devices that track, maintain and improve health and fitness. These advanced fitness devices and software would be wearable, fitness apps, digital fitness devices, digital on-demand fitness, and streaming. These devices have become a trend for a while now, especially during the Covid pandemic lockdown. From AI-enhanced fitness software to wearable digital fitness devices such as fitness trackers worn as smartwatches. Let’s evaluate the different types of digital fitness devices and how they improve wellness and health.


Fitness tracker:


The Fitness tracker measures several health-related activities. They are often worn around the wrist and measure things like steps taken, calories burned, and even the quality of sleep a person has at night. These devices have been on the market for quite some time now and have been gaining popularity with consumers. They have been particularly popular with fitness professionals looking to improve their performance, as well as those trying to lose weight.

These devices are also a great reminder to get up and move throughout the day and are an encouraging way to set goals and stay motivated. There are many options available for fitness trackers, so it is best to speak with a professional before you make a purchase.


There are three types of fitness trackers

Basic fitness trackers: This type of tracker counts the approximate number of steps taken and calculates the distance traveled. These trackers are suited for runners who love to keep records of their distance-based activity. It also helps you to track your sleep patterns and can serve as a reminder to be more active throughout the day. The 3DActive Simple Step Counter Walking 3D Pedometer with Lanyard, Fitbit Charge 4 Fitness and Activity Tracker, and Realalt 3DTriSport Walking 3D Pedometer are all examples of fitness trackers.


Heart Rate Monitoring Trackers: When an individual is active, the heart rate increases. This tracker has sensors that can monitor the heart rate and help calculate the number of calories needed to burn throughout the day. Fitbit Versa 3, Willful Waterproof Smart Watch IP68, Google Pixel Watch, and Apple Watch Series are examples of Heart rate monitoring trackers.


Fitness Trackers with GPS: This brand of trackers communicates with satellites to monitor your location anywhere in the world. It is best suited for runners and cyclists. Examples of trackers with GPS are Garmin Forerunner 55, Polar Grit X Pro, Suunto 9 Baro, and Coros Apex Pro.

Find a fitness tracker that fits your needs and budget. After all, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for health and fitness. Every person is unique and has different needs when it comes to working out and staying healthy. The type of workout that is right for you will depend on your lifestyle and fitness.


Health and Fitness Applications:

A structured fitness routine is easy to achieve by downloading fitness apps to guide you in doing simple exercises. There is an app to help you monitor everything you wish to monitor, from your daily calorie consumption to apps that can act as personal trainers.

The global fitness app market should grow by $1.68 billion from 2020 to 2024. Access to customized fitness and health tips through the mobile phone is convenient and comfortable. There are several fitness applications, with the most notable ones listed below.

i) Nike Training Club (NTC): This app has over 200 workouts across various categories such as strength, endurance, yoga, and mobility targeting the abs, arms, shoulders, glutes, and legs. It makes it easy to train at home, in the gym, or on the road, with everything from bodyweight to full-equipment workouts for everyone on different fitness levels. The best part is the app is free.


ii) Nike Run Club: This is another Nike app created primarily for runners. It allows users to register their exercises and track their progress. The app also allows users to be a part of a community where they can compare notes and encourage and support each other.


iii) Strava: This is a multi-purpose app used to track running, walking, cycling, and swimming. It records and keeps track of the users’ fitness performance from speed, distance, and calories burned. If you want to lose weight, this might be the best app because it acts as a fitness journal. You have exclusive access to the fitness community for encouragement with monthly challenges/competitions to keep you motivated.


iv) MyFitnessPal: This app helps the user to record and track daily calories. It allows users to maintain a healthy weight by focusing on the app’s food diary, which provides details and nutritional values of packaged foods. It also allows users to know the calories they burn during any cardiovascular activities logged in the app. It is user-friendly and easy to navigate. This app will cost you as additional features require a subscription for the Premium membership.

Smart Fitness Products:


Smart Fitness Products are advanced equipment that connects to Wi-Fi or Smart Fitness Watch to support users with their fitness goals using devices and technology. These products are becoming common because they are convenient and provide a high-quality workout. There are many Smart Fitness equipment on the market. We list a few examples below.

i) Smart Jump Ropes: Jump rope is an effective cardio exercise. The Smart jump rope has sensors that track performance to energize him\her and stay motivated. The Smart jump ropes can connect to a smartphone app via Bluetooth, where an individual can keep track of their stats and set goals. They are perfect for athletes and fitness enthusiasts that want to get in a good cardio workout. Some brands of mart jump ropes are Crossrope Get Lean Set, Tangram Smart Rope, and Smart Jump Rope Rookie.


ii) Smart Weight Equipment: Smart dumbbells can be adjusted to be light and heavy. It is like using a dumbbell and kettlebell together instead of having multiple sets of weights. The user can shift the weight with the simple turn of a dial. Examples of Smart weights are JaxJox Smart Kettlebell and the Bowflex.


iii) Smart Mirrors: The smart mirror is a two-way mirror with an electronic display behind the glass. It can also be called the “magic mirror” that displays information such as calendars, current times, weather forecasts, news, emails, social media updates, music, and video streaming. The mirror has an electronic display with a touch screen that can show different types of information through widgets that include monitoring fitness activities. An example of a smart mirror is the Vaha Smart Mirror.


iv) Smart Water Bottles: The Smart water bottle connects to an app on the smartphone that reminds the user of their daily water goals. The container also removes all contaminants and heavy metals in the water. Smart water bottles are made from stainless steel and have glowing reminders at the base of the bottle to remind the user to stay hydrated.


Technology will revolutionize your fitness

The demand for digital fitness is not going anywhere but has come to stay. You can use technology to personalize and maximize your fitness experience like never before. It may be overwhelming to understand all the fitness devices, so it may be best to seek the advice of a personal trainer on the best device that will suit your lifestyle and fitness goals.


