How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

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Did you know that the skin is the largest organ in the human body? It is more delicate than you might think. For this reason, you should not expose your skin to harmful chemicals or substances, whether through what you eat or what you apply to your skin. What you eat affects the quality of your skin to a large extent. Have you heard of the saying, you are what you eat? It is a fact. Thus, whether you have a smooth, healthy, and glowing skin or an unhealthy looking skin depends on your choice of food.

How some foods affect your skin

Refined carbohydrates

How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

Diets that contain high quantities of refined carbohydrates are known to promote mild to chronic inflammations that may cause pimples and acne. Refined carbohydrates include sweets, sugary drinks, white bread, refined rice, and pastries.


Protein rich diets

How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

While fine lines and wrinkles are generally associated with the aged, younger persons who lack certain essential food nutrients may develop them too. Protein, collagen, and elastin are vital components of the human body’s makeup. They may be described as some of the components that come together to form the body we see. The human body requires a healthy diet to produce sufficient amounts of protein, collagen, and elastin-all of which function to make your skin smooth and wrinkle-free. Fish is a good source of protein, which is used in the formation of elastin and collagen, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which is known to reduce inflammation and promote a healthy skin.


Diets rich in antioxidants

How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

A good diet protects your body by reducing your risk of cancer, which can be described in lay terms as an abnormal and uncontrollable growth of the body cells. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and green tea comes with a rich supply of antioxidants, the substances that help fight cancer, to your body. Cancer is caused by free radicals in your body and substances in the environment, such as exposure to UV, cigarette smoke, pollutants, industrial chemical, and x-rays. Antioxidants hinder the formation of free radicals. This way, you get a smooth and soft skin, with preserved integrity.


Richly colored orange/ Red fruits and vegetables

How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

Richly colored orange and red fruits and vegetables are rich in carotenoids. Some carotenoids are converted into Vitamin A, which is important during skin cell reproduction. They also contain Vitamin C and are useful the production of collagen. Both carotenoids and Vitamin C are antioxidants, and hence help to reduce aging. This is why it is very important that you do not exclude colorful fruits and vegetables from your diet.


Seeds and nuts

How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

Seeds and nuts help a lot when it comes to ensuring that you have a smooth, wrinkle-free and glowing skin.


Excess salt

How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

While salt plays an important role in the human body, your consumption of it should be moderate. A high salt concentration in your body makes your body cells retain more water than normal. This causes a swelling of the cells and is often seen as a puff of the skin under the eyes and the individual involved looking tired. Continuous intake of a diet with excess salt increases the risk of high blood pressure. Foods that may lead to excessive salt intake include sodium-rich diets such as chips, sauces, cured meat, and pickles. Healthier alternatives for these foods include potassium-rich foods such as citrus fruits, avocados, tomatoes, banana, and coconut water.


Excess alcohol

How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

Excessive intake of alcohol can damage your skin. Excess alcohol in your body can dehydrate you and give you a dry skin as well as dim your skin complexion. Alcohol can break down the collagen fibers in your skin, making you look older than your age and your skin saggy. Increased alcohol consumption can lead to dermatitis, skin rashes and increase your risk of skin cancer, psoriasis, liver damage. If you cannot do without alcohol, it is recommended that you limit consumption to one glass per week, if you are a woman and two glasses per week, if you are a man. Remember, moderation is important.


Artificial sweeteners and excessive sugar

How Your Eating Habits Affect Your Skin

Consuming foods high in sugar can make you addicted to sugar because sugar is addictive and can lead to you developing an insatiable craving for it. Artificial sweeteners, as commonly found in fizzy or carbonated drinks, have no nutritional value but may lead to histamine reactions and itching. These reactions occur when substances, such as aspartame and acesulfame-k, contained in fizzy drinks accumulate in the skin cells. Healthier alternatives for sugary and fizzy drinks include green tea, black tea, and fresh juices.



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It is important that you stay hydrated because your body needs water to transport the nutrients you consume to your skin cells.


Final words

In concluding, let us recap and add a couple more of some of the foods that will give you a healthy skin when you add to your daily diet. Some of the best vegetables include carrots, apricots, and other yellow vegetables, spinach and other green leafy vegetables, berries, tomatoes, beans, peas, and lentils. Salmon, mackerel and other fatty fish also help achieve a healthy skin. Some of the best fruits for a healthy skin include mango, watermelon, papaya, orange, banana, grapes, strawberries, kiwi, pomegranate, and apple. For a smooth and glowing skin, adding some chia and flux seeds, walnuts, peanuts and almonds to your daily diet can make a lot of difference.

Have you realized that you can tell if a person is sick just by the appearance? A glowing and healthy skin says a lot about your diet and your choices. What food do you eat?



Dr. Rachita Narsaria. (2016, November 18). Top 7 Dietary Habits That Affect Your Skin. Medindia; Medindia.

Katta, R., & Desai, S. P. (2014). Diet and dermatology: the role of dietary intervention in skin disease. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, 7(7), 46–51.

UK, O. (2020a, August 3). How Dieting Can Affect Your Skin.; Olay UK.‌